Lecture Time

During my commute to university this Friday (2/10/15) I had a read through the ‘Icons of Graphic Design‘ book written by Steven Heller and Mirko Ilić. I love being able to go back in time to see how the industry and changed, what new ideas have risen and what designers have challenged throughout the years. No doubt this will be a book that I will use continuously throughout my career.

The first lecture of the day was given by Rob Lycett. One of my tutors for the TID1423: Theory as Practise module. He began with an introduction to the course on Unlearn, where can find his contact information, important dates, documents and more. I made a note of everything I found to be of importance (so basically everything) I was excited to learn what tis next module holds. With a breakdown of every lecture that was to happen each week it was brilliantly organised. So here came the new project brief. This was the bit that surprised me. Instead of being told we have to have a 50,000 word essay instead we write a ‘Contextual Portfolio/blog’ along with 10 minute presentations. I was ready for the catch to come but that was it. So simple and doable. Being experienced with blogging anyway prior to starting this course it was brilliant that it was something I would be graded on. Rob then continued to give us a little task for the next week. About an hours reading along with writing a “no more than” 125 word definition of what the text we were given is. I love to read anyway so this seemed to be clean sailing for now!

After my brief year starting a business and learning various things I was ecstatic to learn that we would be having business lectures talking about the industry, how graphic design works in business etc. This I find to be an excellent idea. With creative courses its always too easy to forget that we are looking to get job roles at the end of it. This then becomes a frightening concept when we get to the end of the course and realise that we know next to nothing about how our creative field works in the real world. I will be the first one there for these lectures!

After lunch it was time for our very first lecture of the module. ‘Histor(ies) of Animation’. Not being an animator and never actually attempted this type of design I was excited to get a little more of an insight into how it came to be, what the technological advices were and how animations have developed over the years. Starting from the 1915 and working through the key dates of history we watched various animations, some crude compared to our slick CGI creations nowadays and some I found just simple down right disturbing (but entertaining). I know that I will be looking into animation at some point throughout my projects to really help bring the designs to life and to convey the story in the work further.

On the train home I returned to my book and recharged my batteries. Ready for the weekend full of business marketing, graphic design for JCI and university work! Bring it on!

Until next time, thanks, Ryan

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